Awesome God

Morning Dew


Key Passage: Psalm 139 (please read this entire Psalm before reading this blog)


Key Text: Psalm 139: 14 – I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvellous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”



As I think about God, I get this impression of as an extremely wise person, who knows absolutely everything and has everything perfectly under His control. He is not worried, confused or agitated. He is not rushing about trying to hold His universe together. He is not looking out to see if the starts are still in place, the galaxies moving in the right synchronisation, the sun and the moon providing light and illumination at the appointed times. He is not worried about the seasons, whether they would continue. I also need to add that he is not worried about Satan and his antics. He doesn’t even as notice him. He knows the end of the matter and He knows that His will must eventually prevail. He is completely at peace.

Now when He looks at us His children, He is excited. Almost like a person looking at his sons and daughters playing in a garden, completely secure and free from all harm. He knows who we are. He knows how we are wired. He knows what He has destined us to become and He is excited at the future we are going to share with Him. He also knows how far we are in His plan. Do you know that He wrote a book about you? Yes, there is a book on you and I His Children. In His book, there is a happy ending. There is truly a “living happily ever after’ end to the story of your life. But He also knows the next pages. Somehow, He has kept the best part of our lives in our future. This is how He works.

Now because He is all-powerful and He lives outside time, He can sometimes interfere with time just to help His children. Let me tell you what I mean. God sees time as one continuum. He does not see past, present and future like we do. Remember He is outside time. So he can go to your past and fix your past so it does not affect your future. He can also go to your future and remove anything bad or detrimental to your progress and put it in your past, so you never encounter it. WOW! What a mighty God we serve.

The big question is why would He do this for us? I almost feel like shouting the answer. It is because He loves you and I. He loves us with an everlasting love. He loves us despite who we are. He loves us warts and all. He LOVES YOU!

Today’s passage tells us that God has perfect knowledge of us. That he has our lives under control. You may feel like you are on a rollercoaster ride through life at the moment, But God has got you covered and Has a perfect ending to your story.

Today, why don’t you just kick off your shoes, rest your head in His bosom and know that IT IS WELL with you! Whatever you are going through, know for sure SOMEONE so powerful, so loving, so caring has got you covered.

Did I hear you say, Thank you Jesus? Let every child of God, shout Hallelujah!


Let’s pray: My dear heavenly Father. Like David said “You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.” You are so amazing and all I can say today is thank you Daddy. Thank you for Your eternal love. Thank for you for caring for me. Thank you for the great future you have for me. Thank you for Jesus and what He accomplished for me on the cross and what He does for me today in Heaven. Thank you Daddy. I love you.



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