Jesus is the only WAY to God.

Morning Dew


Key Passage: John 14:1-11


Key Text: John 14:6 – “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’.”



Travelling to foreign countries can be quite an experience. In my estimation, I can safely say, it has been one of the best ways to educate my mind, and develop an appreciation for other cultures and peoples. I love travelling, but it has some incredible risks. One obvious risk is the language barrier. If you can’t speak the language and don’t understand the culture, you can often be misled or hear incorrectly. If you ask for directions to a particular destination, the locals can describe the way to you and tell you in which direction you should be heading, but not knowing the landmarks and even some of the words written on the road signs, you could be driving around in big circles and never get there.

God does not want men to be lost in life and worse still lost for all eternity, because they went down the wrong road, thinking that they were genuinely seeking and serving Him, but are in actual fact, sincerely wrong. Jesus said in today’s key text “ I AM the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE!, If you step on the wrong motorway that takes you in the opposite direction to where you are going, you would end up in the wrong destination, unless someone comes to your rescue and tells you that you are heading in the wrong direction. Then as a wise person, you would immediately do a U-Turn and head in the right direction.

Many religions and beliefs are sincere about their pursuit and worship of God. But sincerity of purpose is not enough. One could be sincerely wrong and that can be a tragedy. I don’t believe that anyone would sincerely be seeking to know God and make it to heaven, and then find out the truth and deny it and reject it. So, my heart goes out today to all my friends and acquaintances of other faiths, who are genuinely seeking to serve God, but are completely misled and are going down the wrong path. Also, I am burdened for those of other faiths, who have never really had the opportunity to hear the truth or have been told that what is the truth is actually a lie. God please help us all.

Jesus made an emphatic, unequivocal, profound and completely unambiguous statement in John 14:6. He said “ I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except by Me.” Jesus does not want anyone to be in doubt as to the way to eternal life. He didn’t want anyone to be lost. He wants everyone to know God the Father and enjoy the full benefits of being a child of God. So He told the world loud and clear that He is the Way.

Let me state this, Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God. He came to this world to redeem man. He lived a completely sinless life, yet He went to the cross of Calvary and died a sinner’s death. He died our death and paid the price for our redemption. He rose from the dead on the third day and opened the way for all mankind to be saved. He opened the way for all mankind to come back to God and receive the forgiveness and love of God the Father. He is the only saviour of mankind. No other Saviour besides Him. No one died for us. No one carried all our sins away. No one quite like Jesus. No one came from Heaven. No one was born by a virgin. No one knows the Father like Him and no one knows the way to God, except Him.

There are many roads, but only one leads to heaven. It is Jesus. There are many ways, but only one is the right way. Jesus. There are many claiming to know the truth or have the truth, but there is only one person who is the Truth. Jesus. There are many promises of life and life everlasting, but there is only one giver of life and only one entrance into eternal life. His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

What are you waiting for? Stop and make that u-turn today and get on the Way> Put your trust in Jesus.

Let us pray: Today I am confronted with the reality and starkness of the truth as uttered by Jesus Christ Himself. He said He is the Way, The Truth and The Life! I want to make this change. I ask Jesus to introduce me to the Father and forgive my sins. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is my saviour. I believe that He is the Truth and I put my trust in Him for eternal life. Jesus make me one of yours and let me spend eternity with you. Thank you.

Ps. If you prayed this prayer for the first time, let me congratulate you on you decision to accept and follow Jesus Christ. Please let me know so I can send you some literature that will help you to know how to take the next steps in walking with Jesus and enjoying the benefits of salvation in Jesus Christ. 

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