What’s your Cause?

Morning Dew


Key Passage: John 18:28-38


Key Word: John 18: 37 – “For this cause I was born and for this cause I have come into the world.”



The great Madiba has taken his final bow and the curtains have fallen on another great person. Perhaps, the greatest African of our time and no superlatives can accurately describe his impact on our continent and our world. He was a colossus of a man. He transcended race, culture, hate and dogma. He was a large man. A big man. A real man. One only wonders in all these eulogies and encomiums being poured out on this great man, if truly people pause to think about why he was so great.

Last week unknown to me that he would pass this week, I preached a very poignant message to our congregation on living for a cause. My text was from the book of John and the encounter of Pilate with our Lord Jesus Christ. Pilate had an encounter with the one person who could change his life forever and missed it. He asked the wrong question. “Are you a king?” How sad, his question ought to have been, ‘are you the King?’ The answer he would have got would have changed His life forever! But that’s not the point of my blog today. It was what Jesus said to him that we must really stop to consider. Jesus said “For this cause I was born and for this cause I came into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.”

Right here is the distinction between those who come to this earth and pass through and no one remembers them, because they made no impact and those who came and left indelible impressions in the sands of time. Jesus spoke of His purpose and His reason for coming to the earth. He is the Truth. He is the Life. He is the Way. Yet He came to bear witness to the truth. Jesus is the only one allowed to live for a cause He is greater than, all the rest of us humans, must live for a cause greater than us.

Let me say unequivocally, that God our creator is not a God who is wasteful. Like Morris Cerullo said many times, “God is a God of objectivity, purpose and design”. Meaning that God is very deliberate about His actions and He creates with a clear vision of an end. So bringing this home. God has created you for a purpose; For a cause; For an objective. And you can never be fulfilled outside this cause. I will also add, that you really have not started living until you start living for a cause bigger than your self. Let me also say that God created you to solve some other person’s problem. You are someone’s answer. You are here on this earth to fulfil a cause. Most people sadly live and die without ever finding their cause. They perish and are forgotten, because the lived for themselves. What you carry in you is not for you. It is for others and perhaps if you start giving that away, you will really find  who you truly are.

History is replete with people, great people who discovered this truth. Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr, Apostle Paul, King David, Queen Esther etc etc.

Mandela lived for a purpose greater than himself and today he is etched deeply in the hearts of all who care to know.

What is your cause? What is your purpose? Why are you here? Who are you here to help? What did God intend in creating you?

Whatever your answer to my rhetorical question, please don’t die insignificant. Don’t leave until you have lived. Lived for your cause and your purpose.

Finally can I interest you in the greatest purpose on the face of this earth? One that God is recruiting for everyday? It’s the purpose of time. Time will cease once this is done. It is the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20. “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”


Let’s Pray: Father God, please forgive me for living an aimless and purposeless life. Help me to discern and understand my reason for being on this earth. Please speak to me and let me hear your call. I want to live for the cause you created me for. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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