Rise and be Healed!

Key WordIt is finished. John 19:30



About twenty years ago on one of our wedding anniversary dates, an old Jewish doctor who was my wife’s mentor in the medical profession, gave both of us vouchers to go and see any play at the West End Theatres in London. Whilst we we lived in the UK, we never went to see any of the West End plays. We kept on promising to go, but never quite went. We still have the vouchers and they are still good, so we have agreed the next time we are in London, we shall surely visit the West End and use our old vouchers. This little story is important in illustrating something. The vouchers have been fully paid for. They will give us access to the best theatres in the world to see the best plays anywhere. But we have never used them.

This is exactly what some of us do as believers in Christ Jesus. We know He has paid in full for our healing and deliverance, yet we refuse to use this voucher He gave us. We stress and fuss and cry, but the voucher remains unused.

Today I really felt impressed upon to let someone know, that the illness, sickness or disease you are currently enduring has a solution and it has been fully, totally paid for by Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 53, the bible tells us that ‘by His stripes we are healed’. Jesus suffered intense scourging and whipping to purchase our healing. He paid the full price for us to be healed. He died that we may live. He suffered so that we do not need to suffer.

When Jesus was on this earth, he healed so many people to illustrate and demonstrate the Kingdom of God and to let us know that He is Lord over all disease and sickness. I am particularly encouraged when I read about how He healed everyone that came to Him. He healed lepers, the blind, lame, deaf and dumb, epileptics, a woman with an issue of blood and numerous others. There is no record of Him refusing to heal anyone. He healed them all.

The book of Hebrews 13:8 tells Jesus is the same Yesterday, today and forever. This means He is still healing today. His healing power is still as potent as it was two thousand years ago when he walked this earth physically. He left us a voucher that we can use and keep using for the rest of our lives. It is like having a life membership of a club. You have access every time. What is this voucher? It is his word. He has given us His word and all we need to do is believe His word. If we believe His word it becomes active in our lives. Just try His word. I know He will honour His promises and heal you. Psalm 107:20 says “ He sent forth his word and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions.” His word is alive and effective. Just believe and receive your healing.

In Jn 19:30 – Jesus said ‘it is finished.’ The greek scholars tell us what He said there was Tetelestai, meaning fully paid for. He has fully paid for you to be healed. He has fully paid for your loved ones to be healed. Every sickness and every disease is subject to Him, so today I command you to rise and be healed in the name of Jesus. Right now, BE HEALED! Go ahead and use the Eternal Voucher!


Let’s Pray: Lord Jesus, Thank you for the provision you have made for us to be healed. Today, I believe that by your stripes I am healed. I believe that you have fully paid for my healing and that you are still healing even today. By faith I declare that I am healed and I rise and walk out of sickness and disease. Thank you Lord for healing me. Amen.

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